enforce: vt.1.推行,厉行,实施(法律等)。2.强迫,强制,强派。3.坚持(要求、主张等)。短语和例子enforce obedience to an order 强迫服从命令。 enforce obedience on [from, upon] sb. 强迫某人服从。 enforced education 强迫教育,义务教育。
They enforced payment by threats of legal action 他们以合法行为相威胁迫使支付。
I shall be obliged to take the necessary steps to legally recover the amount . i shall be compelled to take steps to enforce payment 我将不得不采取必要步骤运用法律手段收回该项货款
Unless we receive your check in full payment by the end of march , we shall be compelled to take steps to enforce payment (除非我们在3月底以前收到你们金额支付得支票,我们将不得不采取行动强制你们付款。 )